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Diplomatic Drama: India vs. Canada - The Nijjar Assassination Allegations

Canadian PM Trudeau accuses Indian govt of killing a Khalistani in Canada and expelled an Indian diplomat. Relations going to be in deep freeze for the foreseeable future. If there was credible evidence, Trudeau would’ve stayed away from G20 summit. I mean that’s a way to show all is not well, like Xi did. But he attended. Now in matter of days he has credible evidence. Doesn’t add up. Putting India-Canada ties at risk for his political problems?

Modi will be pleased with the accusation though. Taking out terrorist on foreign soil will be well received in India, which has suffered terribly to terrorism. The ties are important for both India & Canada. Jaishankar has another situation to handle. Accusation will be rejected. Tit-for-tat is kind of norm when it comes to expulsion of diplomats.

Indian companies have invested CAD $6.6 billion, creating nearly 17,000 jobs in Canada


India responds:


Allegations of Government of India's involvement in any act of violence in Canada are absurd and motivated.  We are a democratic polity with a strong commitment to rule of law. Such unsubstantiated allegations seek to shift the focus from Khalistani terrorists and extremists, who have been provided shelter in Canada and continue to threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The inaction of the Canadian Government on this matter has been a long-standing and continuing concern.

That Canadian political figures have openly expressed sympathy for such elements remains a matter of deep concern. The space given in Canada to a range of illegal activities including murders, human trafficking & organised crime is not new. We urge the Government of Canada to take prompt and effective legal action against all anti-India elements operating from their soil.

11 August 2023: India was not mentioned when the Canadian law enforcement agencies listed potential threats to Nijjar’s life. The report says he was warned quite a few times but India did not figure in those briefings.

7 September 2023 (just before G20 which Trudeau attended): Canadian Investigative Agencies Ruled out Indian Diplomats Involvement in Hardeep Nijjar's Murder. 

India-Canada relations are important. Canada is a G7 & NSG member. A rich country with money to invest. India also invests in Canada. P2P contacts. Full potential of ties not realized yet. But India will not back down on legitimate concerns of territorial integrity & terrorism.

Response to Canadian PM’s statement was a press release by MEA spokesperson rubbishing the accusations. India didn’t consider a presser by at least the foreign secretary. Perhaps a sign that we will not escalate & indulge in tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomat? Maybe summon the HC.

“We are deeply concerned about the allegations referenced by Prime Minister Trudeau earlier today," White House National Security Council spokesperson

India summons Canadian HC. Informs about India’s decision to expel a senior Canadian diplomat within 5 days. India not only does tit-for-tat expulsion, but escalates - accusing Canada of Anti-India activity - The decision reflects GOI’s growing concern at the interference of Canadian diplomats in our internal matters & their involvement in anti-India activities.

As things stand, the words of the Canadian Foreign Minister - "allegations", "may have been involved" , "if proven true" - And they sank India-Canada ties.

2018 India-Canada Joint Statement: Canada-India relations based on principle of respect for sovereignty, unity & territorial integrity. Called for bringing terrorists to justice. Emphasized that no country should allow its territory to be used for terrorist &violent extremist activities.

Australia "deeply concerned" by allegations the Indian govt may have been behind the murder of a Sikh activist in Canada. But Albanese told a reporter, who asked him whether he regretted labelling Indian PM “the boss”, to “chill out a bit”.

April 2010, then PM: Manmohan Singh conveyed India's continuing concerns over the activities of terrorist organizations in that [Canada] country. Manmohan Singh hoped that the Canadian government will curb and monitor the activities of these organizations.

2012: The govt of Canada will not tolerate any separatist Sikh organization that poses a threat to the sovereignty and integrity of India.

Ujjal Dosanjh, a former Liberal cabinet minister: Sikh extremism was on the rise in some parts of the country and nothing was being done about it. That militancy is worse now, he said, than a generation ago when extremists blew up an Air India flight killing 329 people, most of them Canadians.

Ironically, Dosanjh said separatist extremism is more entrenched in some Canadian Sikh communities than in Punjab, the Indian region where the Khalistan movement - named after the theoretical Sikh country - originated Canada has laid the accusation. India has denied. It’s up to Canada to show credible evidence. Till then one is free to believe one side or the other. One thing remains true is India's concerns about terrorist activities in Canada which has been conveyed over the years.

Coming from the particular person - kind of official list of Khalistan radicals, drug runners and gangsters from Punjab taking shelter in Canada.

Britain: When we have concerns about countries... we will raise them directly... But with regards to the current negotiations with India, these are negotiations about a trade deal, and we're not looking to conflate them with other issues.

Seem some tweets saying Trudeau wouldn’t have gone to the parliament if he didn’t have “credible evidence”. Sounds very reasonable. But we’ve had people go to the UN with “very credible evidence” and start a war.

Trudeau: We are not looking to provoke or escalate. We are simply laying out the facts as we understand them.

Ottawa asked its closest allies, including Washington, to publicly condemn the murder. But the overtures were rebuffed

Canada’s travel advisory-Exercise a high degree of caution in India due to the threat of terrorist attacks throughout the country Days after Canadian PM himself travelled to India which successfully hosted G20 summit & various meetings across the country, the background is what became largely a covert operation, backchannel reconciliation effort between Modi’s BJP & veteran Canadian Khalistanis who were growing weary of agitating for a separate Sikh state in India that India’s Sikhs want nothing to do with.

That initiative was facilitated mostly by the British Sikh activist Jasdev Singh Rai, but the Trudeau government bowed to a Khalistani-influenced group of gurudwara leaders and “obstructed the peace dialogue process,” Rai said at the time. Rai found himself barred from Canada.

Nijjar was a leading Khalistani separatist who had fervently opposed the reconciliation effort, Nijjar & Malik ended up on irreconcilably opposing sides in B.C.’s gurudwara politics. Malik had gone so far as to publicly praise Modi for his outreach effort with Nijjar’s camp accusing Malik of being an Indian government agent — the kiss of death. At the time of Malik’s assassination, intelligence officials in Delhi were convinced that his assassins came from Nijjar’s camp.

It is difficult not to infer from all this that Trudeau has decided to take sides in this gangland melodrama, that by his solemn insinuations his hope is to be back.... Beijing’s friends in high Canadian places will be well pleased., So Modi was willing to work with erstwhile Khalistanis incl the bomber of Air India flight, who have decided to give up on separatism and terrorism - and Trudeau blocked those efforts.

Canada’s leader of opposition- Trudeau has not provided any facts. Says interesting that Trudeau did nothing on the evidence of Beijing’s interference in Canada, at the same time China had 2 Canadians hostage. But he chose that approach in that case

Tit-for-tat travel advisory with harsh language - In view of growing anti-India activities and politically-condoned hate crimes and criminal violence in Canada, all Indian nationals there and those contemplating travel are urged to exercise utmost caution.

Basically, India has accused the Canadian govt of condoning hate crimes against people of Indian origin. That is for all to see than what Trudeau is accusing India of. Canada’s case highlights both the importance for a global convention on terrorism and why it’s not happening. One man’s terrorist, another man’s freedom fighter or free speech if you will - statements of condemning terrorism in all forms & manifestations notwithstanding.

Political consensus & unity on Canada. Congress seems to have fielded former diplomat Shashi Tharoor on this. Among media ppl, those “Anti-Modi” too are “on side”. Damage to relations can be long term. Relevant countries should note.

MEA press briefing:

After calling Canada a terrorist safe haven, India said it has regularly given Canada specific evidence on terrorists which has not been acted upon. Questions political will to address terrorism. Indian & global media should take this up with Canada

Another laughable commentary - India risks being in the company of Russia & Saudi. Assuming India did it, Nijjar was a wanted terrorist in India with red corner notice. Canada had previously denied him immigration. Russia killed a dissident, Saudi journalist

No difference aa?

Possible road to resolution with US mediation:

1st-Stop official escalation

2nd-No media leaks (unlikely though)

3-1-let things die down & be 3-2-Canada presents evidence a-If there is nothing.

Trudeau goes. b-If there is, it will be pinned on rogue elements nothing to do with GoI
The premier says everything he knows about Nijjar's killing is "in the public realm," despite a briefing with the CSIS director that he described as frustrating because there wasn't more concrete information.

Ref: Walter Ladwig: They [RAW] are better known for achieving their objectives with bags of money rather than resorting to targeted assassinations. RAW doctrine provides a series of alternatives to targeted killing to achieve the same goal. “It is particularly a question of creating dissension in terrorist groups in the hope that they will kill each other,” explains Dheeraj Paramesha Chaya

The play - presuming India has done it: 1- India has released the antecedents of the good deeds of the poor plumber. Media, analysts in Canada & US too have written about him & Khalistani terror & Canada’s indifference if not encouragement. 2- To go ahead to prove India did it, is going to be loss of reputation for Canada as a terror safe haven, something India has already accused it of. 3- It will also mean; a third world country has struck a terrorist in the first world. This will be a major thing for them to swallow. To accept it will be something.

Credibility of the evidence is inversely proportional to the length of time taken to present it. You can tailor it to suit you. Perhaps the best thing to do. Coz, it opens doors for settlement. India will reject the evidence in all circumstances. Privately, the countries involved can work it out.


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